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Cornell University & NILG Section 503 Survey Deadline  Extended through October 31, 2017  


As we communicated to you in September, the NILG and Cornell University are partnering on a survey-based research project to build an understanding of how federal contractors are initially responding to the revised regulations implementing Section 503 that became effective on March 24, 2014.

We continue to seek the participation of the ILG Community to help identify what works in implementing Section 503. The more contractors that participate in the survey, the more useful the results will be.

Specifically, the survey asks questions about:

  • Affirmative action goals/targets related to employing individuals with disabilities
  • Use of the Voluntary Self-Identification Form to collect disability status information
  • Practices that are working and challenges that remain to implementing Section 503

By collecting these data and sharing results with the contractor community the goal is to promote good practice and develop tools and resources for areas where contractors see challenges with implementation.

The NILG understands contractors may wish to review a hard copy of the survey before completing the online version, so we have secured a sample survey in pdf which is now posted on the NILG website for your convenience.  Please click Sample Survey to view and download.

As a reminder, participants who complete the online survey will receive a copy of a final report and free access to six online courses on workplace disability inclusion eligible for six HRCI credit. To learn more and take the online survey please

For questions about the survey, please contact Sarah von Schrader at [email protected] or 607-254-8088.

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