Director’s Corner
Dear Stakeholder Community,
I am pleased to announce that Samuel Maiden has been selected to serve as the MidAtlantic Regional Director for the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs. Sam has served as a highly effective and thoughtful leader who brings vast expertise in successfully identifying and resolving systemic discrimination cases. We are delighted to have him rejoin the agency.
Sam’s experience in OFCCP is vast. He joined the agency as a Compliance Officer in Miami, moving on to become an Assistant District Director in Charlotte, and then the Director of Regional Operations for the Southeast Region in Atlanta. He left Atlanta to serve as the Deputy Regional Director for the Northeast Region from November 2011 through December 2014, to assist the newly appointed Regional Director, Diana Sen. He returned to Atlanta as the Regional Director in 2015 – a position he held through 2020.
Sam brings a strong commitment to achieve results for workers and jobseekers to further equal opportunity. I look forward to working with him in his new role.
I want to thank Diana Sen for serving as Acting Mid-Atlantic Regional Director for the past several months.
Sam begins in his new role today, so please join me in congratulating and welcoming him back to OFCCP.
Jenny R. Yang
OFCCP Director