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2022 Nominations
Lois Ellen Baumerich Lifetime Achievement Award

The NILG is now accepting nominations through Tuesday, May 15, 2022 for the 2022 Lois Ellen Baumerich Lifetime Achievement Award.

Very few times in life do you encounter someone who is the heart and soul of a community, and for the EEO/AA community, Lois E. Baumerich was just that.

She dedicated her time, talent, expertise and energy to the National Industry Liaison Group (NILG), Northeast Region Corporate Industry Liaison Group (NERC), and other professional organizations. A role model to many affirmative action professionals, Lois gave of herself endlessly in pursuit of equality, affirmative action, and inclusion. Sadly, the EEO/AA community was shaken on July 18, 2007, when Lois passed from a heart attack following a pipe explosion in Manhattan near Grand Central Station.

While the NILG community certainly misses her quiet demeanor, kindness, and her wealth of knowledge, her memory lives on through the Lois E. Baumerich Lifetime Achievement Award established in her honor. Each year, nominations are accepted to recognize an EEO/AA professional who embodies the high standards of education and community support set forth by Lois all those years ago.

To learn more about the eligibility requirements, nomination process, past winners and to learn more abut Lois Baumerich, visit:

Have a friend or colleague that fits the bill, or feel as though your work aligns? Submit an application:

The recipient of this year’s award will be announced from the general stage at the NILG 2022 National Conference. In addition to free registration, the recipient will have the opportunity to accept the award in front of their peers, and share a bit about their journey.

Have questions about the application process? Email at [email protected].

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